Curriculum Vitae
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PhD, Computer Science: May 2015
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
Dissertation: Designing, Building, and Modeling Maneuverable Applications within Shared Computing ResourcesPDF
MS, Computer Networking: May 2009
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina -
BS, Computer Engineering: December 1998
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
Journal Articles:
- W.C. Moody; A. Apon, ‘Maneuverable Applications: Advancing Distributed Computing’, Cyber Defense Review Volume 2, Number 3, Fall 2017
Conference Papers:
O.G. Baciu-Ureche, C. Sleeman, W.C. Moody, and S. Matthews. ‘The Adventures of ScriptKitty: Using the Raspberry Pi to Teach Adolescents about Internet Safety.’ SIGITE’19 20th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education, 3-5 Oct. 2019.
J. Chamberlin, J. Hussey, B. Klimkowski, W.C. Moody, C. Morrell; ‘The Impact of Virtualized Technology on Undergraduate Computer Networking Education’, SIGITE’17, 18th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education, 4-7 Oct. 2017.
W.C. Moody, H. Hu, A. Apon; ‘Defensive Maneuver Cyber Platform Modeling with Stochastic Petri Nets’, In Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (Collaboratecom), 2014 10th International Conference on , 22 Oct. 2014
W.C. Moody, J. Anderson, K.-C. Wang, A. Apon; ‘Reconfigurable Network Testbed for Evaluation of Datacenter Topologies’, The 6th International Workshop on Data-intensive Distributed Computing (DIDC’14) , 23-27 Jun. 2014
J. Dressler, W.C. Moody, J. M. Koepke, C. L. Bowen III; ‘Operational Data Classes for Establishing Situational Awareness in Cyberspace’, The 6th International Conference on Cyber Conflict , 3-6 Jun. 2014
W.C. Moody, L.B. Ngo; E. Duffy; A. Apon, ‘JUMMP: Job Uninterrupted Maneuverable MapReduce Platform’, Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2013 IEEE International Conference on , pp. 1-8, 23-27 Sept. 2013
Other Publications
Technical Writer, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applied to Cybersecurity’, IEEE, The result of an intensive three-day IEEE Confluence 6-8 Oct. 2017.
IEEE media
W.C. Moody, Joshua Bundt; (2018 April 5) ‘Cadets participate in inaugural NSA Cyber Exercise’ Pointer View. p. 3, Retrived from online
W.C. Moody, Joshua Bundt; (2016 December 1) ‘Cadet Competitive Cyber Team finishes in Top 10 at competition’ Pointer View. p. 8 Retrived from online
Invited Talks:
- W.C. Moody, C. Sleeman, ‘The Adventures of ScriptKitty: Using the Raspberry Pi to Teach Adolescents about Internet Safety.’, SIGITE’19 20th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education, 5 Oct. 2019. Tacoma, WA.
- W.C. Moody, ‘Reconfigurable Network Testbed for Evaluation of Datacenter Topologies’, The 6th International Workshop on Data-intensive Distributed Computing (DIDC’14) , 24 June. 2014, Vancouver, Canada
- J. Dressler, W.C. Moody ‘Operational Data Classes for Establishing Situational Awareness in Cyberspace’, The 6th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 5 Jun 2014, Tallinn, Estonia
- W.C. Moody, ‘HOFESAC: Holistic Operational Framework for Establishing Situational Awareness in Cyberspace’ 2013 Symposium for Visualization of Cyberspace Security (VizSec13), October 14, 2013, Atlanta, GA
- W.C. Moody, ‘JUMMP: Job Uniterrupted Maneuverable MapReduce Platform’, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) September 25, 2013, Indianapolis, IN
- W.C. Moody, ‘Cyberspace Situational Awareness for the United States Cyber Command Joint Operations Center’, MIT / Lincoln Laboratory Cyber and Netcentric Workshop, July 13, 2011, Lexington, MA
- W.C. Moody, ‘Current Operations of the United States Cyber Command’, USMA, Department Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seminar Series, November 5, 2010, West Point, NY
Ovidiu-Gabriel Baciu-Ureche, Carlie Sleeman, WC Moody, and Suzanne J. Matthews. ‘The Adventures of ScriptKitty: Using the Raspberry Pi to Teach Adolescents about Internet Safety’. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIG Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE ’19). Feb 27 - Mar 2, 2019. Minneapolis, MN
- W.C. Moody; A. Apon, ‘Towards a Framework for Building Maneuverable Applications’ PhD Forum of the 28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, May 19-23, 2014, Phoenix, AZ
- W.C. Moody; A. Apon, ‘Towards a Framework for Building Maneuverable Applications’ Clemson Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium April 4, 2014, Clemson, SC
- J. Anderson; W.C. Moody; D. Wagenseller; K.-C. Wang; A. Apon, ‘Using SDN to Visualize the Network Behavior of MapReduce’, Conference of Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students Scholarship, Oct 28, 2013, Washington D.C.
Other Presentations:
- W.C. Moody, Panel Moderator, ‘Educating the Cyber Force of 2050’, US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) and Army Cyber Institute Mad Scientist Conference, Sep 13, 2016, West Point, NY
- W.C. Moody, Panel Member, ‘Operational and Legal Aspects of Active Cyber Defence’, 6th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, June 5, 2014, Talin, Estonia
- W.C. Moody, ‘Cyberspace Situational Awareness for the United States Cyber Command J3 Operations Directorate’, Testimony before the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, May 22-24, 2012, Washington, DC
- CSCI 285 - Introduction to Cryptography, University of South Carolina - Aiken
- Course Director & Instructor - Spring 2021
- CS 489 Independent Study, United States Military Academy, NY
- NSA Cyber Exercise Prep, Course Director & Instructor - Spring 2018
- Automobile Hacking, Course Director & Instructor - Fall 2016
- CS 481 Operating Systems, United States Military Academy, NY
- Course Director & Instructor - Fall 2018, Fall 2017
- Instructor - Fall 2016
- CY/IT 350 Network Engineering and Design, United States Military Academy, NY
- Course Director & Instructor - Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017,
- Instructor - Fall 2015, Spring 2017
- IT 105 Introduction to Computing and Information Technology, United States Military Academy
- Instructor - Fall 2015, Spring 2016
- Cadet Competitive Cyber Team, United States Military Academy, NY
- Head Coach / Officer-in-charge - Academic Year 2016-2017, 2017-2018
- Coach / Assistant Officer-in-charge - Academy Year 2015-2016, 2018-2019
- CPSC 3620 Distributed Programming and Cluster Computing, Clemson University, SC - Reoccuring Guest Lecturer, 2013-2014
- Introduction to Programming, Anderson Homeschool Association Encore Program, AY 2013-2014
- Joint Advanced Cyber Warface Course Fort Meade, MD - Reoccurring Guest Lecturer, 2011-2012
- Paper Referee, 2017 International Conflict on Cyber Conflict U.S. (CyCon U.S.)
- Program Committee, 2016 Army Cyber Institute Cyber Talks, New York City
- Paper Referee, Journal of Parallel and Distrubuted Computing (JPDC)
- Paper Referee, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData14)
- Paper Referee, 2014 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC)
- Program Committee, 2014 NSF Cybersecurity Summit for Cyberinfrastructure and Large Facilities
- Paper Referee, 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
- Student Volunteer, 2013 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking Storage, and Analysis (SuperComputing)
- Poster Referee, 2014 Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference – Introduction to Computer Programming
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), certificate number: 397584, since 2011.
Grants and Funding:
- Clemson University Professional Enrichment Grant Travel Award, May 2014, $750
- IPDPS 2014, Student Travel Award, May 2014, $450
- SuperComputing 2013, Student Volunteer Travel Award, November 2013 - $1,400
- NSF / IEEE Cluster 2013, Student Program Travel Award, September 2013 - $500
- U.S. Ignite Application Summitt, Travel Award, July 2013 - $1,000
- US Army PhD Fellowship, Clemson University 2012-2015
- US Army MS Fellowship, NC State University 2007-2009
- US Army ROTC Scholarship, Clemson University 1995-1998
Awards and Recognition:
- Finalist, 4th Place - Team. President’s Cup Cyber Security Competition - February 2021.
- Winning team, Symantec Higher Education Cyber Security Challenge media
- Top Field Grade Officer (6th Overall), 2016 All-Army Cyberstakes Online, Capture the Flag Competition - September 2016
- Outstanding Computer Science PhD Student - Clemson University, 2014-2015 media
- Finalist, Intelligence National Security Alliance Sidney D. Drell Academic Award, November 2013 INSA
- Distinguished Military Graduate, Clemson University ROTC, December 1998
Military Service - Retired June 2021
Source of Commissioned Service: ROTC (Distinguished Military Graduate)
Military Schools Attended:
- Signal Officer Basic Course
- Signal Captains Career Course
- United States Army Command and General Staff College
- Platoon Leader, A Company, later Executive Officer, B Company, later Assistant S-3 (Operations) 57th Signal Battalion, 3d Signal Brigade, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas
- Operations Officer, 1114th Signal Battalion, Directorate of Information Management, Fort Hood, Texas
- Student, Signal Captains Career Course, United States Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon, Fort Gordon, Georgia
- S-6 (Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems), 4th Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment, 172 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, United States Army Alaska, Fort Richardson, Alaska and OPERATION IRAQ FREEDOM, Iraq
- Information Systems Management Officer, G-6 (Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems), United States Army Alaska, Fort Richardson, Alaska
- Student, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
- Watch Officer, J-3 (Operations), Joint Task Force – Global Network Operations, United States Strategic Command, Arlington, Virginia
- Computer Network Defense Planner, Expeditionary Cyber Support Element – Iraq, Consolidated Staff of Joint Task Force Global Network Operations and Joint Functional Component Command – Network Warfare, Baghdad, Iraq
- Cyber Capabilities Engineer, J-3 (Operations), United States Cyber Command, Fort George G. Meade, MD
- Student, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
- Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
- Research Scientist, Army Cyber Institute, West Point, NY
Summary of Joint Assignments:
- Watch Officer, J-3 (Operations), Joint Task Force – Global Network Operations, United States Army Strategic Command, Arlington, Virginia
- Computer Network Defense Planner, Expeditionary Cyber Support Element – Iraq, Consolidated Staff of Joint Task Force Global Network Operations and Joint Functional Component Command – Network Warfare, Baghdad, Iraq
- Cyber Capabilities Engineer, J-3 (Operations), United States Cyber Command, Fort George G. Meade, MD
Summary of Operational Assignments:
- S-6 (Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems), 4th Battalion, 23d Infantry Regiment, 172 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, OPERATION IRAQ FREEDOM, Iraq
- Computer Network Defense Planner, Expeditionary Cyber Support Element – Iraq, Consolidated Staff of Joint Task Force Global Network Operations and Joint Functional Component Command – Network Warfare, Baghdad, Iraq
Awards and Decorations:
- Bronze Star Medal
- Legion of Merit
- Defense Meritorious Service Medal
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Army Commendation Medal (with 2 Oak Leaf Cluster)
- Army Achievement Medal (with 5 Oak Leaf Clusters)
- Combat Action Badge